Rule Number 36

Signal 8 Signal 11 Signal 15

Referee's Ball

.1 A referee's ball will be declared when two or more players of opposing teams have one or more hands firmly on the ball, so that the players share possession of the ball for five (5) seconds. If initial contact is made directly with the ball illegal holding will only apply if either player uses the opposition for support.
.2 If the referee needs to stop the game, not during a break in play and where neither team is at fault (e.g. referee error, faulty goals, injury) and the referee cannot determine who had possession at the time of the whistle, the referee will restart the game with a referee? s ball.
.3 A referees ball will be taken at the nearest point on the sideline to the incident. Where a referee?s ball is awarded for an incident that occurs between the six (6) meter line and the goal line, the referee?s ball will be held at the nearest six (6) meter line. Signal 8 and Time-out applies.
.4 Two opposing players will line up at right angles to the sideline, on the side nearest their own goal line, near to the sideline where the situation occurred, one meter apart facing the referee. They will place their paddles on the water, but not between their kayaks and their hands on the deck of the kayak or on their paddle.
.5 All other players must be at least three (3) meters away from the point between the two players participating in the referees ball.
.6 The referee will throw the ball on the water between the players and blow the whistle to restart play. Both players must make an attempt for the ball with their hands as soon as it touches the water. The players must not play the ball before it hits the water. Infringement incurs a sanction. Signals 11 and 15 apply.

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Rule  35

.1 The one defending player most directly under the goal, in order to defend the goal with the paddle is considered to be the goalkeeper at that time. The goalkeeper?s body must be facing into the playing area and attempting to maintain a position within one meter of the centre of the goal line. If

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