Timetable for 04-04-2025

First Team on Duty is Committee with committee member

Second Team on Duty is Committee with committee member

Date / Time Team 1 Score Team 2 Team Referee
04-04 / 19:40DredgersN - NTUDublin TornadosWWKC 1
04-04 / 20:00Kilcock AngelsN - NThats a PaddinWWKC Penguinbars
04-04 / 20:20WWKC 1N - NTUDublin TornadosDredgers
04-04 / 20:40Kilcock AngelsN - NWWKC PenguinbarsThats a Paddin
04-04 / 21:00WWKC 1N - NDredgersTUDublin Tornados
04-04 / 21:20N - N
04-04 / 21:40N - N
04-04 / 22:00N - N
04-04 / 22:20N - N
04-04 / 22:40N - N
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Advantage (Rule 37)

Rule  37

.1 The referees can allow play to continue when the team in possession is benefited by play continuing as a result of an infringement by an opponent, if neither referee has blown the whistle. The referee should recognise the illegal-play by signaling play-on. Signals 13 and 14 apply.

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