Timetable for 28-03-2025

First Team on Duty is KCC Koalas with committee member

Second Team on Duty is Banshees of Poulaphouca with committee member

Date / Time Team 1 Score Team 2 Team Referee
28-03 / 19:40DCUN - NUCD Rockettes WomenPolophoucas
28-03 / 20:00PolophoucasN - NBanshees of PoulaphoucaWWKC New Kids on the Block
28-03 / 20:20UCD Rockettes WomenN - NWWKC New Kids on the BlockBanshees of Poulaphouca
28-03 / 20:40DCUN - NBanshees of PoulaphoucaUCD Rockettes Women
28-03 / 21:00WWKC New Kids on the BlockN - NPolophoucasDCU
28-03 / 21:20WildWater WomenN - NWWKC PenguinbarsKCC Koalas
28-03 / 21:40WildWater WomenN - NKCC KoalasWWKC Penguinbars
28-03 / 22:00WWKC PenguinbarsN - NKCC KoalasWildWater Women
28-03 / 22:20N - N
28-03 / 22:40N - N
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Rule  35

.1 The one defending player most directly under the goal, in order to defend the goal with the paddle is considered to be the goalkeeper at that time. The goalkeeper?s body must be facing into the playing area and attempting to maintain a position within one meter of the centre of the goal line. If

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