Timetable for 01-11-2024

First Team on Duty is WWKC New Kids on the Block with committee member

Second Team on Duty is TUDublin Tornados with committee member

Date / Time Team 1 Score Team 2 Team Referee
01-11 / 19:40BazaarN - NGrade 5WWKC 1
01-11 / 20:00WWKC 1N - NDredgersTUDublin Tornados
01-11 / 20:20Grade 5N - NTUDublin TornadosDredgers
01-11 / 20:40BazaarN - NDredgersGrade 5
01-11 / 21:00WWKC 1N - NTUDublin TornadosBazaar
01-11 / 21:20DCUN - NWWKC New Kids on the BlockUCD Rockettes Women
01-11 / 21:40UCD Rockettes WomenN - NPolophoucasWWKC New Kids on the Block
01-11 / 22:00UCD SparklesN - NWWKC New Kids on the BlockPolophoucas
01-11 / 22:20DCUN - NUCD Rockettes WomenUCD Sparkles
01-11 / 22:40UCD SparklesN - NPolophoucasDCU
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Rule  39

.1 The player taking any goal line-throw, cornerthrow, sideline-throw, free-throw or free-shot must hold the ball above their head, at arms length with their kayak stationary, before taking the throw. The player?s initial throw must travel one meter measured horizontally from the point o

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