Timetable for 17-11-2023

First Team on Duty is Polophoucas with committee member

Second Team on Duty is Bazaar with committee member

Date / Time Team 1 Score Team 2 Team Referee
17-11 / 19:40Bazaar2 - 2WWKC 2Dredgers
17-11 / 20:00Dredgers5 - 9WWKC 1Cill Chuilinn
17-11 / 20:20Bazaar11 - 1Cill ChuilinnWWKC 1
17-11 / 20:40WWKC 19 - 5WWKC 2Bazaar
17-11 / 21:00Dredgers3 - 0Cill ChuilinnWWKC 2
17-11 / 21:20Polophoucas0 - 3Team TUDThats a Paddlin
17-11 / 21:40Thats a Paddlin3 - 0UCD RockettesKCC Gals
17-11 / 22:00KCC Gals3 - 0Team TUDUCD Rockettes
17-11 / 22:20Polophoucas3 - 3Thats a PaddlinTeam TUD
17-11 / 22:40KCC Gals3 - 0UCD RockettesPolophoucas
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Rule  28

.1 Signals 11 and 15 apply. A player is in possession of the ball when they have the ball in their hand or are in a position to reach the ball with their hand, the ball being on the water and not in the air. A player balancing the ball on their paddle will also be considered to be in possession.

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