Timetable for 22-03-2024

First Team on Duty is Kilcullen 1 with committee member

Second Team on Duty is Polophoucas with committee member

Date / Time Team 1 Score Team 2 Team Referee
22-03 / 19:40WWKC Women5 - 7WWKC PenguinbarsUCD
22-03 / 20:00Polophoucas1 - 11TUD TornadoesWWKC Women
22-03 / 20:20UCD0 - 3WWKC WomenTUD Tornadoes
22-03 / 20:40WWKC Penguinbars4 - 11TUD TornadoesPolophoucas
22-03 / 21:00Polophoucas3 - 0UCDWWKC Penguinbars
22-03 / 21:20WWKC 16 - 3WWKC JuniorsDredgers
22-03 / 21:40Bazaar5 - 5DredgersKilcullen 1
22-03 / 22:00Kilcullen 12 - 6WWKC 1WWKC Juniors
22-03 / 22:20WWKC Juniors0 - 0DredgersBazaar
22-03 / 22:40Kilcullen 11 - 9BazaarWWKC 1
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Rule  39

.1 The player taking any goal line-throw, cornerthrow, sideline-throw, free-throw or free-shot must hold the ball above their head, at arms length with their kayak stationary, before taking the throw. The player?s initial throw must travel one meter measured horizontally from the point o

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