WWKC 2 Fixtures & Profile

Date/Time Team 1   Team 2 Team Referee
09-02 - 21:20WWKC 112 - 0WWKC 2WWKC Juniors
09-02 - 22:00Kilcullen 11 - 9WWKC 2Bazaar
09-02 - 22:40Kilcullen 12 - 7WWKC JuniorsWWKC 2
23-02 - 22:00WWKC 10 - 3WWKC 2Bazaar
23-02 - 22:20Bazaar2 - 2DredgersWWKC 2
23-02 - 22:40Kilcullen 12 - 5WWKC 2WWKC 1
01-03 - 19:40Kilcullen 13 - 2WWKC JuniorsWWKC 2
01-03 - 20:00Bazaar5 - 2WWKC 2Kilcullen 1
01-03 - 21:00WWKC 25 - 2DredgersBazaar
19-04 - 19:40WWKC Juniors0 - 0DredgersWWKC 2
19-04 - 20:20WWKC 23 - 0WWKC JuniorsDredgers
19-04 - 21:00Bazaar6 - 2WWKC 2WWKC 1
26-04 - 19:40WWKC Juniors0 - 3WWKC 2UCD
26-04 - 22:00Dredgers0 - 3WWKC 2Grade 5


Team Secretary: Ciara Gurhy
Division: 1


Duty:Not Scheduled Yet


Kevin QuinnGrade 4
Cian ClarkeGrade 4

Player Details

No.Player Name
1Robbie O'Shea
2Shane Little
3Caolan Leech
5Shauna Gurhy
6Maccullin Skelly
8Ciara Gurhy
9Conor Quinn
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TIME-OUT (Rule 19)

Rule  19

.1 The referee shall use a triple whistle to stop the game for time-out, except when a goal is scored in which case a long whistle blast will be used.
.2 Time-out must be given if a capsized player or their equipment is interfering with play.
.3 Time-out should be used immediately when

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