Match Reports Back

Date: 06-11-2015
Time: 20:00
Division: 3B
Referee1: Justin Cullinane
Referee2: N/A
Polo Monkeys
Darragh OCinneide
Darragh OCinneide
Gus Twomey
Darragh OCinneide
Darragh OCinneide
Peter Cramer
Peter Cramer
Peter Cramer
Alan Melia
John Kinnane
John Kinnane
Peter Cramer
Darragh OCinneide
John Kinnane
Roisin Giles
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Rule  28

.1 Signals 11 and 15 apply. A player is in possession of the ball when they have the ball in their hand or are in a position to reach the ball with their hand, the ball being on the water and not in the air. A player balancing the ball on their paddle will also be considered to be in possession.

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